Yusuf Rohmatulloh, M.Si.


Jurusan Kimia, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Yusuf Rohmatulloh
Magister Kimia

Universitas Padjadjaran

Kimia Analitik
The effect of the graphene oxide quantum dot (GOQD) synthesis method on the photocatalytic and antibacterial activities of GOQD/ZnO

Yusuf, R. M., Amelia, S. R., Rohmatulloh, Y., Listiani, P., Ichikawa, Y., Honda, M., … & Ivansyah, A. L.
Diamond and Related Materials, 140, 110495.

One pot synthesis and performance of N-and (Mg, B, N)-doped ZnO for photocatalytic and antibacterial applications: Experimental and theoretical investigations

Amelia, S. R., Rohmatulloh, Y., Listiani, P., Devi, M. J., Ichikawa, Y., Honda, M., … & Ivansyah, A. L.
Ceramics International, 50(7), 11216-11235.

Insight into the role of Mg/B and Mg/Cu dual dopant on the properties of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by facile one-step combustion route for photocatalytic and antibacterial application

Sudiarti, T., Pitriah, S. R., Rohmatulloh, Y., & Supriadin, A.
AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2646, No. 1).

Synthesis of hydroxyapatite from chicken eggshells and its applications as adsorbent of cadmium (II) metal ion in aqueous solution

Amalia, V., Putra, M. G., Hadisantoso, E. P., Rizka S, F., & Rohmatulloh, Y.
AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2646, No. 1).


Jurusan Kimia, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Yusuf Rohmatulloh

Magister Kimia

Universitas Padjadjaran

Kimia Analitik

The effect of the graphene oxide quantum dot (GOQD) synthesis method on the photocatalytic and antibacterial activities of GOQD/ZnO

Yusuf, R. M., Amelia, S. R., Rohmatulloh, Y., Listiani, P., Ichikawa, Y., Honda, M., … & Ivansyah, A. L.
Diamond and Related Materials, 140, 110495.

One pot synthesis and performance of N-and (Mg, B, N)-doped ZnO for photocatalytic and antibacterial applications: Experimental and theoretical investigations

Amelia, S. R., Rohmatulloh, Y., Listiani, P., Devi, M. J., Ichikawa, Y., Honda, M., … & Ivansyah, A. L.
Ceramics International, 50(7), 11216-11235.

Insight into the role of Mg/B and Mg/Cu dual dopant on the properties of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by facile one-step combustion route for photocatalytic and antibacterial application

Sudiarti, T., Pitriah, S. R., Rohmatulloh, Y., & Supriadin, A.
AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2646, No. 1).

Synthesis of hydroxyapatite from chicken eggshells and its applications as adsorbent of cadmium (II) metal ion in aqueous solution

Amalia, V., Putra, M. G., Hadisantoso, E. P., Rizka S, F., & Rohmatulloh, Y.
AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2646, No. 1).

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